Mosaics Expo Video Showcase

At the Mosaics Expo we showcased five video class projects made with the help of the BPP. Students engagded in high level critical thinking around complex ideas and used technology to help them represent their understanding and views.

Showcase Video- What is BPP?

Mosaics Video 1

Mosaics Video 2

Mosaics Video 3

Mosaics Video 4

Showcase Video- Mr. Conley's and Mr. Ostroff's Participation in Government class 

"Our awesome SIFE* students made a video about governments in their home country-- or where they lived for most of their life." ~Greg Conley, English as a Second Language Teacher

*SIFE= Students with Interrupted Formal Education (students who have had little or no schooling prior to coming to the U.S.)